Battle of Atlantic 80 Year Anniversary

Since Lysander Shipping opened its office in Liverpool, we have continued to be at the heart of the city and heavily involved in local events linked with its extensive maritime history.
It is therefore a great honour to show our support in the Battle of Atlantic 80 year memorial evening being hosted in the iconic Cunard Building (one of the famous 3 Graces) on the waterfront. Lysander Shipping are one of the sponsors of the event looking back over the importance Liverpool played during the Battle of Atlantic 80 years ago.
When Winston Churchill moved the Naval Command centre from Plymouth to Liverpool’s Western Approaches (near the Town Hall), Liverpool became the nerve centre for the operation, ultimately winning one of the most important battles in naval history.
The support, warmth and humour of the Merseyside people had a huge morale-boosting effect on the Allied forces. The unwavering spirit of the dock workers, ship builders and ship repairers meant that Liverpool was a crucial base for all maritime related labour.
Liverpool is therefore intrinsically linked with its maritime heritage and although it is important to look back at our strong history, we must also look ahead at the future of Liverpool’s shipping industry, freight forwarding and port operations. Which is why events such as this are crucial in keeping the maritime and shipping spirit alive in the heart of this great city.